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Sunday, August 22, 2004

Perspective is EVERYTHING!

It's 2 a.m. on a Saturday night and I'm still online.

I can't say that I just got back from some club or summat cos I haven't. Neways, this post isn't gonna be about my lack of a social life on Saturday nights, I'm sure I'll cover that in therapy next time I see my shrink ! ;-p

Seriously tho' I just felt like talking about how TIME can change you, and ur outlook on the world.

Here's something I wrote about 6 months ago when I just started my working life and started facing the trials and tribulations of being an adult. It's been on my Friendster 'About Me' profile part for ages and I feel, now with greater perspective, it's time for a change; neways lets welcome Nik from 6 months ago, ppl:
I'm a 23 year old Corporate 'Flunky' who just entered the Rat Race in one of Malaysia's Premier Merchant Bank.

Still getting used to the fact that I'm no longer a teenager but an actual living-breathing-honest-to-goodness-working Adult.

Currently facing a 'mid-mid-life crisis' as I start questioning what I'm currently doing and whether I want to do it for the next 30 years of my life

I mean, I finished 11 years worth of schooling, then did 3 years of college, and another 3 years of Uni JUST to end up behind a desk in a nondescript cubicle, in a nondescript corporate building?
Is this ALL there is to LIFE then ?

To repeat the cycle my parents did and their parents before them did as well ?

Live, Work, Breed, Die.

Repeat Ad Nauseam.

Well...... I gotta say I've learned a lot about myself in the past 6 months working at The Firm.

And, meeting a young rookie who just started work last Friday kinda gave an epiphany of what I musta been like 6 months ago, fresh out Uni, full with grand desire to succeed, yadda, yadda, yadda.

Sometimes life just doesn't work out as much as u'd like it to. But it doesn't mean you gotta give up ur dreams cos what ur doing now isn't what u'd figure u'd be doing when u were slogging ur ass off in Uni.

I realise the quandry I'm currently in now and am making plans to survive it for the next 5 years. I'll put up with this bullshit job cos I realise eventho' it's not the art-based job that I want to do (i.e. advertising / film making, etc.) it can give me so many other experiences which I can use in the future i.e. learn how to hob-nob with rich, succesful ppl, learn how they've made their money, make contacts, heck even be one of them someday.

THEN, once I'm financially independent, I'll god-willing GET to do what I wanna do in life.

Not what my parents want me to, not what society deems to be a respectable job, etc.

So for now, I'm ready to learn The Game.

How do people make money on the stock market? What do you have to do? Who do you have to know to make it? etc.

I may have to sell my soul in the process, but it will be worth it once I make it and have enough to finally do what I wanna do, right ?

I don't know guys...I'll answer that question once I've crossed that bridge!