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Monday, August 23, 2004

24 today......

24 years ago, on this very date, in small KL clinic, a couple was miraculously bestowed with a baby boy.

Unbeknownst to them, this was no regular baby; for he was the last descendant of a civilization from a mirror galaxy millions of miles away, which was on the brink of extinction.

Through the wonders of the alternate earth's pseudo-magi-science, they managed to transport only ONE person out of the planet onto our Earth.

This boy was a culmination of a millenia of culture and science, all packaged into one single being.
The last hope of Krypton, meant to be their best and the bravest. Hard-wired with enough nano-technology in his bloodstream to be able to leap tall buildings, stop bullets cold in its tracks and run faster than a KL Komuter....

Fast forward to 24 years later and the year is 2004.

Now the boy has all but grown up into a man.

By day, he is a mild-mannered corporate flunky; working in the sub-caverns of a non-descript money-making, profit capitalizing investment bank. But by night he is a creature of darkness; an avenger of justice; a beacon of hope for the victims of the denizens of the dark alleys of KL,

He is.....NiK!

Hahahahahaahha ...seriously tho, today's the day I add another year to my application forms and another year I get closer to the big 30 (well it is still a long time yet right ? I mean 6 years is like so.... then again, that's what I said when I was like 18)

SO I'm 24 today.

And looking back past this one year, I've grown and changed a lot.

I finally ended my studying days (which funnily enuff, I am ONLY starting to miss now, A LOT!)

Started my life as a working adult ( u know the whole rigmarole of waking up early to go to work, get stuck in a jam, face ur boss & colleagues, have lunch with office mates, etc.)

Finally start earning a living for myself (which is never enough and always ends by the 2nd week of the month), etc. etc.

So if I was someone else looking at myself, I'd say I'm doing great, (I don't mean to brag here) but I think I've got :

  • a great job with good future prospects for growth (eventho it's not the field I wanted to do when I was in college),

  • a great family who loves and supports me,

  • gotten re-acquainted with some of my old friends and made new networks at work,

  • drive a nice car (eventho it's a 20 year old Mercedes...hey it's a Merc baby!)....

so what am I missing ?

Well, truthfully, I'd say.... a girl to call my own....

*Start RANT*
I'm like SO politically incorrect, allright the correct term would be significant other or woman but hey, 'girl to call my own' just rolls of the tongue better than 'significant other to call my own' innit? And I'm sexist enough to call a woman a girl...so sue me..sheesh !
*End RANT*

So that'd be the first thing on my 'Things To Do' list for this 24th year then....get in a relationship with a girl who understands this weird alien from another mirror dimension who has an affinity for socially-inhibiting activies such as playing fantasy card games, watching foreign dvds, reading comic books, etc.

I mean how hard is it to find a woman who digs all that right ? ;-p

*NiK's conscience* I think u gotta lay off those socially-inhibiting activities first buddy before ur even date-worthy. I mean have u ever taken a look at urself recently ? Dude !

*NiK's brain* Note to self: Add finding a NEW conscience to 'Things to do' list....


P.S. Thank you to everyone who wished me Happy Birthday thru text, call, in person and even one owl mail (Cheers Harry P...I reall appreciate it...could've done without the Chocolate Frogs tho' I'm like WAYYYY scared of frogs!) :-)