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Tuesday, April 26, 2005


A disorder characterized by uncontrollable attacks of deep sleep.

A disorder that causes excessive sleepiness during the day and frequent and uncontrollable episodes of falling asleep

Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder of sleep regulation that affects the control of sleep and wakefulness. The four classic symptoms are excessive daytime sleepiness, cataplexy, sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations.


Those are the definitions and explanations for the current problem I’m facing at work.

I dunno, maybe my body is just growing old (not a randy teenager with hyperactive energy anymore these days), maybe I’m just a lazy bastard, maybe I’m too fat that it’s affecting my health.

Whatever it is...I keep getting this sleep attacks at work during the day.

Not a workday goes by without me nodding off for 5-10 minutes every few hours or so.

Because I get in SO early at work around 7:30 AM (due to the nature of my job being a financial ‘news reporter’ who has to update the stockbrokers on yesterday’s news before the stock market opens at 8:30 AM)...I have to wake up bloody early (around 6AM) JUST to arrive at work in time.

And since I work so late I barely get more than 5 hours of sleep during the weekdays.

So I’m currently a walking zombie 5-days a week...slipping in and out of consciousness every few hours.

However, I’m afraid this would affect my relationship with my boss and other office mates.

They all have to wake up early as well and come in by 7:30AM and some of them leave the office late as well like me around 9 to 10 PM at night.

So why don’t they suffer from narcolepsy as well ??

I guess it’s high time I took an attitude change (less pushing work back until deadlines are due and be more proactive) AND start going to the gym again.

It’s been a week since I’ve hit the gym and I’m sure the running machine and weights are missing me oh-SO badly already.

Irony is, the next day after a gym session I’d feel fresh for a few hours (must be the excess adrenaline rush from the night before’s gym session) until after lunchtime, whereupon yesterday’s aches and the recent lunch meal would take its effect on me and put me into a comatose state as usual.

Ah well....better to doze off from healthy exertions than from lethargy innit ??

Back to the company gym it is then!
