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Friday, January 20, 2006

Happiness is a STATE of mind!

As I was doubled over, hunching my back, tip-tapping away in front of my PC in my itty-bitty cubicle; close to midnight yesterday, all alone in the office while the rest of the world sleeps....I had an ephiphany:

Happiness is a STATE of mind.

If you train your mind to be sharp enough, you can endure ANY type of adversity, take as much pain as possible, face the greatest challenges, heck even defy normal human conventions...

Because no matter what happens to you.....your state of mind is unaffected by it and you've managed to trick yourself into being happy.

Ground-breaking, Nobel-winning solution to all of life's mysteries?

Or the mad-rantings of an overworked employee who's had TOO little sleep in the past 2 weeks?

I don't know. U decide.

P/S- I'd like to believe that I'm at a point in my life right now where I'm in the same predicament as Neo (perasan siut!) in the Matrix; where he had just succesfully kicked Morpheus' arse during their Virtual Reality kung-fu sessions, and the first thing Morpheus said to Trinity when he unplugged from the Matrix was:

"...He's starting to believe..."

Why? Why do you do it? Why get up? Why keep fighting? Do you believe you're fighting for something? For more than your survival? Can you tell me what it is? Do you even know?
- Agent Smith to Neo, The Matrix Revolutions.

Because I CHOOSE to.
- Neo to Agent Smith, The Matrix Revolutions.