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Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Managing Long Hair.

I have newfound respect for women these days.
(Not that I didn't have any before today that is!)

Q: HOW do you women put up with LONG HAIR ?

I'm currently sporting shoulder length hair and for the love of good its drivin me insane !

If I don't shampoo it every 2 days, my hair starts getting greasy and my scalp turns itchy (I'll spare u the further gory details). Even if I shampoo everyday, when I go to the gym and run on the treadmill, my scalp still tingles (not in a Spider-sense kinda way but more in an annoying itchy buzz) and it gets really hot under my long hair.

Do u women wear a shower cap or sumthin when u take a bath ?

Is it preferable NOT to wash ur hair when u shower ?
(btw I wash mine every time I shower if ur thinking that I'm some mangy long haired hermit)

I really have a newfound respect for women who despite having long hair, still wear their tudung or headscarves. I mean Malaysia is freakin hot enough as it is....how do you women put up with keeping that mass of hair under ur headscarves ? Is there a cooling mechanism built in somewhere that I'm missing ?

Plus even if u don't wear head scarves, how come u can stand doing strenuous activity like running, hiking, etc with long hair ? Doesn't the itchy overheated feeling just override ur concentration and make u wanna just stop and scratch that itchiness away?

I don't know....come on women readers of the long-haired variety, answer my questions in the comments section for the benefit of us insensitive guys and open up a whole new world in man-woman relations !

Let us hear ur plight / success for us to understand u better!


Of course, I always have the option of cutting my hair short....hhhmmmm...that sounds like a plan !