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Tuesday, September 14, 2004

The Dreamscape

What's in a Dream ?

Have u ever thought about it ?

People go to sleep and dream for most nights of their lives, yet we never put much thought towards what dreams really mean.

Heck, most of us start forgetting about our dreams the minute we wake up no matter how vivid or lucid the dream felt to us while we were asleep!

Why do I ask these questions ?

Well, it's cos I just had a really vivid dream yesterday. One that felt SO real, it was as if I was really there acting out what I was actually dreaming ( and NO boys and girls, it WASN'T a sex dream, sheesh gets ur minds out of the gutter ppl! ;-p ).

I woke up with a start at 4:15 am because the dream felt so real and reached a surprising climax / twist of events (again, I stress that it wasn't a sex dream) that I felt so elated by it and inexplicably woke up....damn...don't u wish u could go back to sleep sometimes JUST to get the chance to continue that really cool part of your dream again ?

Neways, this dream I had last night which felt so REAL has me spooked today cos looking at the track record of vivid dreams I've had before, it usually turns real and I get those deja-vu moments where you realise that u somehow have been through the current turn of events before.

Just like last week as I was sitting in the workshop of my mechanic in his lobby holding a newspaper in my hand as the television was streaming a documentary on the screen.

I suddenly felt a surge of recognition fill my being; as though somehow, someway, i HAD done this before, sitting in this chair, in this air conditioned lounge, holding the newspaper in this same position, with the same view of the tv as it featured a documentary about 9/11.

That day was the 11th of September 2004.

So what does this mean for the dream I had yesterday ?

Is it a mirror into a future event that I would eventually experience ?

Does our body, or soul maybe, when we're talking in the context of the Dreamscape, have the ability to look into the future when we sleep ?

If the answer is yes, I shudder at the thought of my dream coming thru in another deja-vu moment sometime in the future, for it wasn't an exciting dream I had yesterday....more like an embarassing turn of events which if it does come true....would turn out to be a LIVNG NIGHTMARE !