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Saturday, April 02, 2005

Retail Therapy

Aaaaaaaa.......*Zzzziiiip-SLASH* *teet*teet*

D’ya know what that sound was ?

It’s the sound of my credit card being put to it’s actual use in quite awhile after months of being neglected.

I decided to combat my current spate of depression from overwork by doing a bout of retail therapy.

Grab life by the balls and charge everything to the card!

Buy ‘em all and let’s sort ‘em bills later! :-p

I gotta say it’s quite a refreshing experience for once. The surge of adrenaline high as you contemplate the purchase and compare prices from other outlets. The rush of jubilation as you find a better deal farther down the mall. The secret celebration as you scan your latest purchases.

Oh...and if ur wondering wtf did I spend all that moolah on neways...being a regular guy...of course-lah it would be on tech gadgets!

I finally knuckled down and forked out money for the latest Nokia 6630 phone a few weeks back . After lugging around a shameful 6-yr old Nokia 3210 (I was so ashamed that I wouldn’t pick up the phone in public :-p), I decided wtf....might as well buy the latest streamlined model innit ?

My Nokia 6630 :-) Posted by Hello