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Friday, March 04, 2005

Jerk On, Jerk Off!


OMG how liberating it is to be a JERK to women !

God damn it if I knew how much confidence and what a boost it is to your ego being a jerk is, I would have started being it since high school !

All my fcukin sad existence, I've been nothing but a wussy mama's boy.

Mama brought me up to be a gentleman, take care of the lady, drive her here, drive her there, never fight back, always be polite, smile, etc. etc.

Fcuk that man!

If women really wanted that, they'd all go out and buy their own personal slave (which is what most subservient husbands turn into after marriage---a wage earning love slave who's subservient to their wife's every needs and demands).....

But these past week...two GUYS have opened my eyes to the TRUTH:

Azrael the Writer and David Deangelo, the self styled Dr. Love.

I know, i know...some of u ladies out there reading this might go...dear god what a sad loser...he's fallen into the trap of listening to the rantings of a nobody writer wannabe and an evangelical-like hype machine....

Well guess what ladies...I was bloody sceptical as well initially...but fcuk it what they said kinda made sense and after hitting rock bottom, I have nothing to lose by trying something new, right ?

Azrael being a writer at heart, teaches the art of being a jerk.
Why it made sense after a decade of being a nice guy and getting nowhere with women.

Dengelo on the other hand, teaches the science of being a jerk.
Breaking things down to quantifiable moments and instances whereupon you can use ur cocky&funny character to attract women.

They both basically hit on the same idea but arrived to it through different thought processes.

Azrael went thru multiple heartbreaks and artistic pain then used his highly artsy brain: started questioning Why? and What? wasn't working.

Deangelo on the other hand also went thru lotsa breakups but he approached the problem scientifically, isolating what precisely attracts women.

U see....it's not being a jerk that attracts women...it's the qualities a jerk has such as (over)confidence, self-security, independence that make them stand out compared to other men suitors.

One IMPORTANT revelation explained was MEN are dumb and they become FAKE in front of the women they are attracted to.

They put on a facade of the NICE charming guy who opens doors, buys dinner & flowers, always a gentleman, never complains, always there when the lady is sad and needs a shoulder to cry on, etc. etc.

If u want to be a FRIEND then go on mate...do that.... but if u want to be the one the woman is crying about...then u have to attain the same qualities of JERKS.

Hollywood, Media, Woman's Mags and Mothers however offers COUNTER-PROGRAMMING by saying woman want the gentleman.

Shit a gentleman is a LOSER !

How fucking exciting is a relationship if the guy NEVER swears, NEVER stand her up, NEVER forget her birthday, NEVER act like a bastard, etc?

Can a women seriously ENDURE 20 years or more of monotony ?!


Women are highly intelligent and would be bored within minutes; despite whatever they say, women are HIGHLY attracted to people with JERK behaviour because its keyed in deep down in their psyche....

If u still don't believe me just imagine ur a HOT model / artist:

Every day u get at least 150 guys who try to chat u up at the supermarket, warong, club, work place, school, etc.

After ur teenage years..I'm sure you would acquire a shield and could pretty much zone out the regular POYO / WUSSY guys.... one crappy opening line and you know a guy is a loser and not worth ur time.....

So what happens if the 151st guy one day acts like jerk ansd don't put u on a pedestal like all previous 150 men do daily.

You feel a challenge right ?

SHIT this guy is different...he does NOT kiss the ground I walk on...he does not stalk me and barrage me with a flood of messages / text / e-mail like all my other 150 stalkers...

He's such a new challenge that I can't help but feel excited JUST by thinking about him....

THAT my friend is what being a jerk to women means......IF every men plays the NICE GUY routine yet they still can't get the girl...what makes u think ur nice guy routine will work ?!


Be a JERK today and see ur EGO and CONFIDENCE boost as woman who'd never thought of u in THAT light find u unexplainably attractive.

Remember this mantra ATTRACTION is NOT a choice for women.

They don't use their brain when they are attracted to something/somebody...they use their feelings deeply ingrained by instinct...

So u don't need to be rich, or handsome, or powerful...u just need to be cocky, funny, independent and secure with yourself to be different from the sea of nice guys hoping to find Ms. Right!
