I've been tagged by
Fakhariah (
Mrs. Azri, wife to a fellow friend of mine from my Magic:the Gathering-card-flopping-days as a teenage geek growing up in suburban KL) to expound further on the topic above. Here's the following rules of the game as explained by her:
>>-The tagged victim have to come up with 8 different points about his/her perfect lover.
>>-Have to mention the gender of his/her perfect lover.
>>-Tag eight other victims to join this game and leave a comment on their blog.
>>-If you are tagged the second time. There is NO need to do this again.
>>-Lastly, most importantly, HAVE FUN DOING IT.
Before I go on, let me clear up one important point: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A *PERFECT* LOVER that exists in this world(!) Every lover (man/woman) comes with their own positives and negatives traits which makes the journey of figuring out who they really are much more exciting.
To truly love somebody is to accept them for who they are (all their failings and little, little, idiosyncrasies included), and see them for who they can be in the future (all their potential yet to be tapped, but possibly soon to be explored with your "ahem" support & guidance)
:Start Sidenote:
Isn't it ironically funny how men go into relationship expecting their women won't change their ways and stay the same just as when they first met them, while women go into relationships looking at all the potential their guy has and wants to change them (for his own good as they well-meaningly say it all the time). At the end of the day, both parties get dissapointed when their significant other does not meet each other's expectations. (Guy: I don't know you anymore! Gal: Why do we keep having the same fights, and its always about your habits that you don't want to change?!). Then again, I might have been reading a tad too much romance novels and watching too many soaps/rom-coms as per usual. I digress.
:End sidenote:
Sidenote aside, on we go with the list of criterias!
0) Gender:Woman
Of course-lah women wei...I'm a MAN..and I'm made (physically) to be with a woman. Now if your tastes, on the other hand tend to linger for the other home team (with the same type of "plumbing" as you), or the visiting team (bestiality/dolls/etc.) that's your life mate. Enjoy! ;-p
1) Independent
I value independence in a woman very, very, highly. The truth of the matter is this: I am an upcoming, soon-to-be high-flying (Islamic) investment banker. My work consumes the bulk of my hours in a 24-hour day. I can't always be there for you baby(!) I'm busy enough with my work (and trying to build up a rep for our future together), that at the end of most days, I'm physically and emotionally exhausted. There's just not much of me left to share with you at the end of the day. God comes first as my priority in life, followed by my family, then my work, next you (the love of my life), and last but not least, my health. (Most women would see this as me being selfish, but to each their own, I suppose).
Nor would I want to be there for you 24-7 either if I could/had the time to do so. I see a long-term relationship as the union of two well-adjusted individuals. And hence a well-adjusted individual would logically have their own hobbies & favourite pastimes, personal circle of friends, know what they like & dislike, agendas and plans. Just because we're together doesn't mean you have to forsake everything that makes you, you. And I wouldn't want a woman who asks me to forsake my individuality either. (yes, yes,...give and take is important in a relationship, but not to the point that we lose our own identity, baby)
Bukan aku tak sayang...tapi pasal I sayang you lah I ask this of you, honey! ;-p
In summary, I appreciate a woman who doesn't really need (like need, NEED) me (because she has a life of her own), yet realises that together, we can work on each other strengths and create magical experiences and memories. Weak, clingy, women need not apply.
2) Creative
Being born into a family where my mom is a language & history teacher, and most of my maternal clan are artistically inclined; I was brought up in an environment where expressing yourself creatively was indulged and appreciated.
Hence explains my deep appreciation for films of every genre, my long-term obsession with sci-fi/fantasy novels, comics, and cartoons (I know, I know...juvenile..yet so deeply satisfying to me), and a new love affair for music of every era and genre. This all stems from a culture of reading and writing ingrained in me since my youth.
Creativity in a woman is something I find truly exciting. It ensures things never get dull and boring for long before the next highlight comes along. Anniversaries, birthdays, and special moments takes on a new meaning when your significant other is creative. It doesn't need to be romantic all the time, it doesn't need to be expensive, heck usually it's even cheap or the most simplest thing in the world!
Yet when creativity is used, it shows that you REALLY care for me, and took extra time to plot & plan how to pull off the next surprise of my life. And that my love, is far more important to me than any expensive candlelight dinner, extravagant overseas holiday, or even any exorbitant gift you can buy for me.
Be creative in every gesture you make, and I'll be yours forever. ;-)
3) Adventurous
If my mum taught me an appreciation for the arts, my father on the other hand, hammered into me the importance of being adventurous. Being adventurous gets you out of your comfort zone, makes you experience new highs, and acquire new wisdom.
From traversing the subterranean underwater dive spots of Malaysia, to conquering the highest peak of South East Asia (Mt. Kinabalu), travelling to most of the European highlights and antiquities, to learning the skills of horseriding and its finer details of caring for another creature; i've done it all. (Thanks mostly to my father who pulled us children kicking and screaming through all those activities which we initially hated but gradually learnt to enjoy).
I may be a boring, white-collar investment banker who sits in his cubicle all day long, barely gets enough exercise anymore these days, and tied to the decorum of being an upstanding member of society; but beneath this facade lies a passionate wild man that would love nothing better than to spend his days exploring the world, going on travels and having adventures.
An adventurous woman who isn't afraid to get out of her comfort zone and experience new highs is definitely a huge turn-on. I want to experience new mind-numbing, jaw-dropping sensations with you; create new magical memories that can paint even a boring day together into something wonderful, and eventually delight us in all the shared things we've done together as we walk down memory lane.
Yet I can't do that if you refuse to even step out of the luxury hotel due to fear of nature, and the weird looking foreigners who looks funny at you, for fear of catching something bad or feeling even slightly uncomfortable. Your loss, honey! ;-p
4) Strong
By this definition, I don't mean physical strength, instead what I meant was mental & emotional strength.
I truly appreciate a woman who has mental & emotional strength, to guide her in times of trouble, stress, and pressure; and isn't afraid to speak up in times of doubt.
The more independent and strong a woman is in her day to day communication with people; the more of a softie she REALLY is inside. She just needs the right person to coax her to be manja with (although she'd never admit it to anyone, most importantly you!). I find this juxtaposition between being strong in front of everyone else, but manja to no one else but me verily a huge turn-on. After all, kalo takleh bermanja dengan abang, you nak bermanja dengan sapa lagi kan sayang? ;-)
5) Feminine
Despite highlighting my appreciation for strength, it doesn't mean I fall for every fire-breathing dragon lady / Eastern European steroid-addled athletic-looking strongwomen out there-lah! I enjoy a woman who knows how to accentuate her feminity in a subtle way. No blonde bombshell or sexy sirens for me, no sirree.
As a sidenote, it galls me how many KL women overmake-up their faces disproportionately to their body. I mean, takkanlah masa pakai foundation and make up tuh, you tak perasan yang your skintone now doesn't match your overly made up face, sayang oiii... It's SO funny to go clubbing and see these Frankenstein-like women who have inches of make-up on their faces try to pass themselves off as Snow "White".
Just be yourself woman...I'll like you for your funky sense of style, or the crazy way you wear your hair, NOT despite of it.
6) Confident/Passionate
Besides Independence, Confidence/Passion in a woman is a definite turn on.
I'm a male chauvinistic pig with a cynical view of women (what can I do, my educational and social background plus past experiences naturally leads me to distrust women). So a woman that can stand toe to toe with me, and call me up on my bullshit (which I spout randomly 24-7 neways) receives my longlasting respect and undying adoration.
A confident woman isn't afraid to speak her mind, try to have things her way, flirt and tease me until I come to breaking point, and challenge me all the way.
That my son, is a perilous way to live...but an exciting one, nonetheless.
7) Wise
Being born a fiery, passionate, Leo and my descendents hailing from the land of Kelantan (known far and wide for its fair share of "gedebe" people, hotheads who love to pick a fight--physical, verbal, or mental, with anyone just for the fun of picking a fight) I admit that I tend to follow my emotions a lot(!) and act before I think. Which comes to be a detriment most times more than its worth it.
So a wise lover (if ur into these astrological shite, that means those signs based on the element of Water) would be helpful in reining me in from time to time and reminding me of picking my fights wisely instead of just barreling in with a battle cry, only to suffer the consequences later as I lick my paws in agony and shame of defeat.
Wisdom does not mean a know-it-all goody two shoes with a CGPA of 4.0. If I wanted to learn about anything and everything in the world, I could always Google/Wikipedia it up or turn on the Discovery/National Geographic channel. After all, I'm not much of an intellectual meself. Brainy people intimidate me, heathen fool that I am.
8) HOT!!!
And last but not least, I admit that I am a regular male driven by lust and the two extra brains God gifted upon men, down below. I am far, far, shallower than Shallow Hal (my favourite rom-com of all time) and as tubby as Jack Black, the lead of Shallow Hal. Yet my ideal lover needs to be HOT!!! A smokin HOT, traffic-stopping, head-turning, accident-inducing se-xay-as-hell woman!!!
Dub it double standards, name it perasan-tak-ukur-baju-sendiri, call me a bastard who likes going after women way out of his league. Whatever-lah dude.
There's 3.5 billion women in the world. 2/3 of the population in KL are women. If you're not into me honey, there's a lot more women out there just waiting for a man to walk into their life and whisk them off to have the most exciting time of their life.
In conclusion, to all the HOT, independent, confident, adventurous, ladies out there just dying to be a member of the Nik Fan Club; don't worry babe, given time I'd eventually get to meet you in the end and we'll have fun like there's no tomorrow!
P/S--All attempts at sarcasm we're intentional and direct, in light of how frivolously fun this fantasy topic is. ;-)