by Grant Day
Copyright © 2005, Seduction
“The supreme object of life is to live. Few people live. True life is only to realize one’s own perfection, to make one’s every dream a reality.” – Oscar Wilde
Don’t worry, I’m not asking you to go sign up for next season’s Fear Factor, or Beauty and the Geek, or even the Amazing Race but I am going to point out to you the most important lesson you can take away from watching a reality T.V. show (and by important lesson, of course, I mean the sort that’s going to make you more popular with women).
Ready? Here it is: Take Action.
Any time you’re forced, or force yourself, out of your comfort zone and into an active mode you greatly expand your opportunities and increase your ability to actually do something with those opportunities – which is what reality shows are all about. The show creators come up with all kinds of zany and challenging situations to put contestants into, and all of us lazy asses at home get to set back and watch the antics and drama as all the fish out of water find out if they’ve got it in them to swim in brand new ways.
And just why would you want to force yourself out of your comfort zone into a brave new world? Isn’t life challenging enough you wonder? Nope. I know you’ve got bills, and a job, and family situations, and worries but that’s no excuse if you want a hot love life - because every time you expand yourself you expand your opportunities with women.
Let me put it more bluntly:
Average guy = too much of a couch potato, boring/staid existence, doesn’t get out and about enough to meet really sexy, interesting women much and when he does he doesn’t have the skills with which to catch and keep their interest.
Above average guy = grabs life’s opportunities and makes the best of them. He’s got an interesting life, has interesting life experiences, and knows how to show women a good time and he knows that’s something women can’t get enough of.
The problem is that many of us men don’t even realize we’re stuck in a boring routine, because frankly we guys are creatures of habit. Once our wild college days are over (if we were ever wild to begin with) many of us settle down to work, work, work and a little bit of down time with our buds over a few beers. We think we lead a relatively enjoyable life if we can afford to pay our rent, our car payment, and buy a few toys.
It’s such an easy trap to fall into. We’re so conditioned to be happy with working hard and a little bit of entertainment that we usually just watch.
But what about really living? What about really doing? And what about women? And what about learning just how tough, resilient, and capable you really are? That’s what reality shows really show us – that people who put themselves in situations where they have to grow, and adapt, and rally find hidden strength, energy and intelligence to accomplish the goal – because they find out the hard way there’s a lot more to what they signed up for than meets the eye.
Because an interesting life, a life that keeps you on your toes, just ain’t easy.
So when was the last time you forced yourself to take on a goal that really challenged you? When was the last time you decided to knuckle down and learn that skill you’d been dreaming about for years but never had the courage to go for before?
I’ll wager it’s been awhile.
Okay, so for those of you who need further encouragement let’s get down to specifics. Let’s look at some examples of goals you could possible have and what will happen when you finally set yourself towards finally accomplishing them:
Dude It’s Your Attitude
You know what I notice whenever I see a reality show with guys who are “so called average” vs. “so called hot” guys? No, I’m not gay. I’m a journalist and it’s my job to notice things. And what I notice is that a) damn we’re a fat society and b) there are always a few of the “so called average” guys who are just as attractive as the “so called hot” guys but they lack is the attitude of self-confidence.
Let me say that again all they lack is the attitude of self-confidence.
What would you do in life if you could just get up the courage to try?
There’s no time like the present.
Learning Something New
Any new positive skills you learn are going to advance your possibilities with women. What would you like to know how to do now that you don’t know how to do? Ski? Imagine the ladies you can meet on the slopes…Cook? Imagine how you can impress women by being able to prepare something more than hot dogs on the barbie…Learn to speak in public? Having the ability to speak well in front of others allows you the ability to bring your ideas and personality really across and that’s always going to win you big points with women. How about learning to speak a foreign language like Italian? It’s the language of love. I rest my case.
Getting in Shape
The myriad of ways in which getting in shape can expand your existence and sex up your life are endless. First and foremost you’re going to feel better when those endorphins start pumping. Secondly you’re going to start being much healthier, and third you’re going to look better. And that’s just the beginning.
The more physically fit you are the easier it is to learn to play a new sport or any other type of physical skill. Sexy hot women are often physically fit women who love to get out and do things. While she may well have you panting like a dog in heat just by looking at her, you don’t want to be panting like a dog in the heat if you go hiking, canoeing, to play tennis, roller-blading, horseback riding or any of the hundreds of fun physical activities you can do on a date.
And remember, as long as you’re not a complete jerk, the better you handle playing at the physical activities in the great outdoors, the better your chances of playing at the physical activities in the great indoors.